Bible verses about the plot followed in ‘Grand Plans’:

Page 24: The Gospel message, good news about forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 10:10, Matthew 26:28 and further.
Page 25: Promises for Egypt and Iran/Iraq (Persia). Isaiah 19.
Page 39, 53, 80: Striving towards one world ruler and one world government. Daniel 11:36, 1 John 2:18, Revelation 13:7-8,
                2 Thessalonians 2:2-10. Daniel 2:40, Revelation 13:8, Psalm 2.
Page 88: The false prophet supporting the antichrist. Revelation 13:11-18, 16:13 and 19:20.
Page 92: The two prophets of God, prophesying, performing miracles, being killed and being raised from the dead. Revelation 11:3-12.
Page 122: Buying and selling/commerce only possible through bank numbers linked to the worship of the beast. Revelation 13. 
Page 123: Persecution of Christians. Matthew 24:9, Revelation 7:9-17. Page 126: Attack upon antichrist. Revelation 13.
Page 160: A Monster Covenant/trusting in own effort and covenants between Israel and other countries, instead of trusting in God for protection.
                  Daniel 9:27, Isaiah 28:18, 2 Kings 18:21, Isaiah 36:6.

Page 174, 182: About Christ’s Second Coming. Matthew 24:30, Zechariah 12:10 and 14:5, Revelation 1:7 and 19:11, Matthew 24:30-31.
Page 178: The Rapture. Millions of Christians disappear from earth in an instant. Matthew 24:40, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17,
                 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, Luke 17:34-36.

Page 182: Great Tribulation. Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:1, Revelation 7:917.
Page 182: Angels proclaiming the eternal Gospel to all nations during the Great Tribulation. Revelation 14:6.
Page 182: A great many people converting to Christ during the Great tribulation. Revelation 6:9 and 20:4
Page 182: Deceiving the masses; the rulers of darkness and many who are deceived by them. Revelation: they bow before the idol. Revelation 13:3.
Page 182, 191: The Holy Spirit leading the faithful. John 10:27, Romans 8:14, Acts 1, Galatians 5:25.
Page 182: Babylon destroyed in one hour. Revelation 18:10.

Page 186: Whore of Babylon (One World Faith). ‘Whore’ refers to a literal city, but this city is a symbol of the extremely intolerant false religion
                 which persecutes true believers and dissidents. Revelation 17:5.

Page 200, 215, 219: Demons and spirits war with people. Ephesians 6:12, Mark 1:26.
Page 211: The antichrist puts himself in the Temple to be worshiped as a god. Daniel 11:36 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
Page 218: The antichrist will, after having used the Whore of Babylon, destroy her in one hour and proclaim himself to be god.
                  Revelation 17:16, 18:10 and 16.


Sometime in the 80’s I was invited to speak at a church. In order to get there, I had to drive 125 miles so I set out early in the morning. I drove toward the East and saw the waxing moon clear and bright in the morning at dusk. It was just before a full moon. In my mind I saw the image of the world heading towards a false global religion. The moon gives no light of its own. It steals light from the true source, the sun. It uses the same principle, but with a different meaning: She attracts all the attention in the night that is to come. She is the ruler in the darkness who will come over the whole earth. Until ... the sun, the true light, rises and the new dawn dawns!


In the 90’s I ran an evangelization campaign in The Hague. We were with a team of about 20 people. One morning during the campaign, an older brother in Christ got to his feet. He started shaking violently and asked if we could hold him. He received a prophecy and told what he saw. He saw large waves of people entering Europe from the East and the South. These waves engulfed everything that people value in Western Europe. Their materialism, liberal sex, drugs, gambling, banking and business monopolies, Darwinism, abortion clinics and lack of compassion for the needy in the rest of the world. The prophecy ended with a call to turn the tide. Return to Jesus and enter His New Testament instructions.